Brown Dog Farm

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Listen While You Work

Hi Folks-

You would think now that I have fulltime artist/farmer status I would have more opportunity to catch up on this blog. But….. as you can see in my three-month hiatus, that is untrue. I did get a chance to go on a trip this summer, out west to Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. Went to Fort Collins and met up with old grad school chums, and drove an RV to Montana to another grad school friends’ mountain cabin. I had a wonderful trip and was able to discuss my new adventure with other working artists, got some great ideas and soaked up loads of supportive energy. I got back rested and ready to roll.

The farm was taking care of lovingly by my ‘partner in farm’, Ed , Mom and Dad, and ‘farmer Mallory’ She took a break from being a New Yorker, and embraced her inner cheese-head, taking on farm chores with style and aplomb.

The weather here this summer has been challenging in its drought and heat, but we have nothing to complain about as we are lucky to have no floods or fires. We will suck it up and make appropriate adjustments to stocking rates, hay rationing and hope our pastures recover this winter.

I am in full-on planning and production mode these days and have some exciting things in the works. My life has been filled with studio and workshop time. I realized spending so much time here, I have little outside exposure. To keep me connected and not talking to myself, I have developed a long subscriber list to Player FM, a multi-platform podcast app that helps me find shows about the topics I care about and play them at my convenience.  I am a big fan of podcasts; I can listen while I work away in the studio and workshop. If I’m doing something repetitive in the garden like weeding, I pop in the earbuds and listen away. Time seems to fly, and I feel like I am catching up on all things art world, or farm world or just world.

I figured I would share my podcast favorites. A short guide to what I hear these days.

I listen to basically 3 types of podcasts Art World, Farm World and Design/Thought World.

Art World

Being a rural artist means I’m not able to visit Chicago or Milwaukee regularly, so I need to connect with my people every now and then to continue to learn and grow and get support. Here are my favorites.

John Dalton- Gently Does It- I love these interviews. This is a long form podcast, you need a bit of time, at least an hour, but wow he is a great interviewer. He asks questions that people send in. I love that he isn’t afraid of silence, and it isn’t edited out. The conversations are very real to life; sometimes the questions throw the subjects and their answers surprise or sometimes they refuse to answer, I like that. He has a great accent, and its like sitting down to tea or a pint in an old pub and delving deep.

The Savvy Painter Podcast- Antrese Wood talks to artists about the business of art and how it gets made. She interviews artists from the plein-air and landscape painting world. The interviews get into the nitty gritty of the artists’ process, materials, and favorite tools. She also makes some of the podcasts about the creative process and how to sustain an art career. It serves my art nerd and I discover new artists and work to follow.

Artist NXT Level Podcast- Sergio Gomez is a Chicago based painter, gallerist, curator and coach who works wife his wife, Dr Yanina. They run a coaching platform called Art NXT Level. This one has gobs of marketing, business resources and interviews with professionals from the Art world. He also has a great accent and tons of energy. I have learned so much from him and he has created a big network and supportive community.

Art for Your Ears, The Jealous Curater- Danielle Krysa is funny and witty. Her podcasts are a mix of art historian gossip, potato chip eating, inside scoop on the work of her favorite artists. She interviews up and coming and established artists whose work sparks her. Listening is like being at a sleepover, eating junk food, and talking about cool art stuff. She makes me feel not so cray-cray.   

Creative Pep Talk- Andy J Pizza- Andy J Miller performs this podcast. It is like an art/comedy act/ story telling/ monologue. His energy is off the charts. He makes me spew my morning coffee regularly. Occasionally he interviews other creatives, but mostly I listen for the creative pep talk that he always delivers. Actually, his episodes always have a level of strategic insight that I can use in my art career, practical tips and good practices. He creates fun artwork for each podcast and his energy is delightful. I have discovered many new artists and illustrators through this podcast as well as writers, designers, and musicians. 


Tractor Time- ACRES USA- the Voice of Eco-Agriculture- This pod cast gives monthly in-depth interviews with the newsmakers and trendsetters in the ecology and agriculture industries. I love the interviews. They keep me up to date on important knowledge of what I am doing. Fascinating conversations between farmers, authors, advocates and legendary voices in the world of eco- agriculture led by Ben Trollinger the editor of Acres USA magazine.

Down to Earth: The Planet to Plate Podcast from the Quivira Coalition- A podcast about hope. As climate changes collide with our industrial food system, this podcast focuses on people who are developing practical innovative solutions. Mary Charlotte Dumandi’s voice is gently uplifting. I always leave off feeling better.

Grazing Grass Podcast- Cal Hendage always comes through on the tagline, helping grass farmers learn form grass farmers.  This one is a deep dive into grazing, in a standardized format. All the interviews ask the same questions, so it’s a great way to learn about the subject form a thousand different directions. Each operation is unique and its so interesting to hear how each farmer addresses the questions. I learn something new each episode and I love his accent and voice.

Farmerama Radio- This is like the English version of Tractor Time/ Independent radio featuring stories of hope from those who are at the very roots of the regenerative farming movement committed to positive ecological future for the earth and its people. They are interested in giving producers a voice and helping them regenerate and return vibrancy to rural communities. Again- all the accents are delightful and its neat to see what’s happening across the pond!

 Thriving Farmer Podcast- Michael Kilpatrick interviewing farming superstars who make good livings doing what they do. All about specific tips and tools to building profitable farm businesses. Practical advice and systems.

Here’s a two-fer

 Talk Farm To Me, and The Accidental Farm- Dana DiPrima is a podcaster who became an accidental farmer when she bought a 60 + acre old farm as a getaway from her NYC life. The Accidental Farm is a short little 5-minute chat about that story. I download a week of them at a time to follow along in her journey. A look at how a city girl becomes a farmer. Talk Farm To Me is Dana’s longer interview podcast about all things farming. She did a series last summer all about the Union Square Greenmarket and several of the farmers who sell there. She is insatiably curious and asks all the questions everyday folks are thinking but afraid to ask. I love her tag line: Lets make Farmers Famous!

 Design/Thought World

 On Being- Krista Tippet public radio show master interviewer/intellect. All about the Big Questions. What does it mean to be human? How do we want to live? Who will we be for each other? It hits the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing and the arts square on, with gentle conversation.

Kitchen Sisters Present- Stories from the B-side of history. Amazing stories- deeply compelling audio delight. These are deeply layered, lush interviews with field recordings and fabulous music.

99% Invisible- Sound rich narrative podcast hosted by Roman Mars about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about- the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.

Sound Check- WNYC Studios weekly music podcast. I learn new bands and listen to smart conversations with artists talking about their work, their process and themselves. Genre blind- open eared, I hear things I never would know about. I have discovered great new music and always come away with a refreshed play list. Hosted by the wonderful John Shaefer. New episodes on Monday and Thursdays.

So there it is folks a little bit of action for your ears. September is into full swing; fall is upon us and we are pressing into the harvest. Canning kettle is permanently affixed to the back burner, fleeces are being processed, hay is stacking up, and the Studio and Workshop are humming.

I have a whole bunch of new projects getting ready to release. Stay tuned...
