Wallace Shetland Yarn

Wallace Shetland Yarn
This is a handspun cake of 100% Shetland wool from Wallace. Wallace is a dual coated light grey Katmoget 2020 wether who keeps Hamish our lead ram company during the winter, and then runs with the whole flock for the grazing season. Wallace was one of our first Shetlands in 2020. He has a gimpy back leg and a wonky horn set, so he didn’t make the grade to be a breeder, but…he had a beautiful fine , crimpy fleece, so he has stayed on, and provided us with beautiful roving and yarn.
His fleece has a medium staple length and fine micron count and spins to a very light cream color.
This is handspun 2 ply DK weight . I have several cakes of various weights and yardage available.
Minimally processed, by a local mill and spun at home. We do not coat our sheep so, this yarn may have a ‘bit’ of vegetable matter, guaranteeing to you our commitment to the most natural yarn we can produce with the lowest carbon footprint.